District News

  • 2025-26 District Calendar Approved 2/25/25

    At their February 25th meeting, the Board of Education approved the 2025-26 District Calendar. Two Superintendent's Conference Days are scheduled for Wednesday, August 27th and Thursday, August 28th.  The first day of school for students will be Tuesday, September 2, 2025. Please click the following link to view the one-page calendar for the 2025-26 school year:
    2025-26 District Calendar

    The Pearl River School District calendar is based on 184 school days: 181 days of pupil instruction plus 3 Superintendent's Conference/Professional Development Days. In anticipation of emergency closings, we designate the following potential vacation days as snow make-up days: 

    2025-26 Snow Make-up Days:
    Day 1 – April 7, 2026 ;  Day 2 – May 26, 2026;  Day 3 – April 22, 2026

    Dates Color Scheme:
    Dates highlighted in red indicate both the school and district are closed.
    Dates highlighted in blue indicate schools are closed but the district is open.
    Dates highlighted in yellow are staff attendance only (Superintendent Conference Days).
    Dates highlighted in gray are snow make-up days but the district is open.

    As a result of the NYS Regents examination schedule, the last day of school will be Friday, June 26, 2026. This calendar does not account for early release days due to parent/teacher conferences, staff professional development, and the end of year schedule.


    Pearl River School District
  • District, PTA & Community Notices & Events

    PRSD posts approved notices from PTAs and non-profit organizations located within, or providing service to, the PRSD school community, provided they meet these criteria: Be for the benefit of students as it relates to their educational success, civic activity involvement or educational/extra-curricular benefit. View our District, PTA & Community Notices webpage for upcoming events.

    Pearl River School District
  • Highlights From Our Schools

    Pearl River School District's Facebook page regularly highlights the accomplishments of our students and student athletes along with details and photos from monthly events.  Check it out regularly:  PRSD Highlights

    Pearl River School District
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District Communication

Pearl River School District uses the SchoolMessenger notification system to communicate important broadcasts such as school closings or other emergency situations by phone, email and text messages to families in the District.  PRSD also uses this system to send emails and texts pertaining to general district and school information and events. Please note the majority of our communications are through email.

Parents & Guardians: 
Parents are automatically enrolled to receive phone calls and emails using their contact data in their eSD Parent Portal account. To receive text messages, parents must reply 'Y' from their cell phone to SchoolMessenger's initial verification message in order to opt-in to receive texts. If you are unsure if you have opted-in, simply text 'Y' from your cell phone to short code  67587 (similar to putting in a phone number). SchoolMessenger should send you back a confirmation.

Please login to your Parent Portal account to ensure all of your contact information is accurate.  Please contact your child(ren)'s school(s) if you require any changes.  

Community members can subscribe to receive email messages from the District by using the following link:  https://asp.schoolmessenger.com/pearlriver/subscriber. These individuals must also reply 'Y' from their cell phone to SchoolMessenger's verification message in order to opt-in to receive texts. Please note, however, that most communication from PRSD is via email.

Please refer to our Staying Informed page for more information.

If you have a question or issue regarding SchoolMessenger, such as not receiving emails, contact our Community Services Office at 845-620-3918 or muthigm@pearlriver.org.